A Simple Guide to MPD Server with MPDroid

MPDroid is an Android application that let's you control MPD remotely with your Android phone and also can stream music to your Android phone remotely over MPD Server. Here's what you will need: A machine that can run MPD server, It can be your Laptop or a Raspberry Pi. Just install mpd on your machine … Continue reading A Simple Guide to MPD Server with MPDroid

Setting up MPD in Linux (Mint/Ubuntu)

So you see all that beautifull desktops on r/unixporn with terminals playing some music players with all that cool visualizers but wondering how did they do it? Well here's a simple and no-nonsense guide to achieve that! You will need to install mpd, mpc, and ncmpcpp Just open the terminal and execute the following command: … Continue reading Setting up MPD in Linux (Mint/Ubuntu)